Arabic Translation

Importance of Sworn Translations

A foreigner who has arrived in another country is faced with the need for employment, legalization or a trade organization. To do so, he must get sworn translation of the documents obtained in his home country into the official language of the country in which he plans to live.

Sworn Translations Vary from One Country to Another

Different countries use different names of sworn translation services, so it can be called certified, special, official, stamped, etc. If a document issued in the language of the home country is submitted to a regulatory authority of a country which speaks a different language, it will not be accepted and a sworn translation of the document will have to be obtained. To avoid additional costs and unpleasant surprises, it is best to order a certified translation of the document immediately. The process of legalizing documents is considerably simplified compared to the complex application process at the embassy or consulate, where there are queues and pre-registration with long waiting time.

The prices of the sworn translation depend on the complexity of the text and its volume. Sworn or certified translation has several advantages, including:

  • Public authorities accept translations made exclusively by a sworn translator;
  • Relatively low costs
  • The ability to order the service by email in advance and receive the finished document on arrival;
  • High quality and reliability of the text received in relation to a notarized translation.

An official who certifies a document with his stamp must obtain the status of sworn translator for these activities. These powers are granted by the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To this end, the specialist passes a rather complicated examination, which tests not only the knowledge of foreign languages and the mastery of the translation methodology, but also the knowledge of legal issues. The employee’s name and first name, date and location are indicated in the stamp. In addition, by signing the text, it indicates that the translation presented above is correct and complete. The following translations are made and certified by a sworn translator:

  • Marriage, birth and death certificates;
  • A medical and academic certificate
  • A certificate of study
  • An act requiring legalization and a stamp;
  • A proxy for the exercise of an activity;
  • an accounting report, a declaration, a charter document;
  • Notarized documents
  • A court decision.

Certification with the official’s seal avoids problems and unnecessary procedures in most cases. The document will have legal value even if participants do not speak the other’s national language. In our country, there is also a tendency today to introduce the function of sworn interpreter in order to increase the authenticity of documents received in relation to notarized documents. Thanks to his extensive linguistic and legal background, a sworn translator is better able to carry out his basic professional duties. To find out the prices of a sworn translation, you need to contact a company providing this type of service.

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